If you click on any link and or anywhere else on the website(s) or accept any of our terms and conditions, it is considered a digital signature and you are therefore legally responsible. We can accept no excuse or responsibility where children fill out digital forms. It remains the parent's responsibility to educate their children in the correct use of digital media and to supervise their use of digital media.

The parent remains legally responsible under all circumstances. Should you in any way obtain our material in any form and use it unlawfully, you remain legally liable and responsible for the costs resulting from unlawful use. Should you obtain it illegally, you could be prosecuted. Should you distribute or sell any material that you obtain legally or illegally and in excess, such user or consumer will be held legally liable and be liable for costs.

All our titles, trademarks and materials in whatever form, have and retain copyright.

The owners of the website / programs and subsidiaries reserve the right to report all illegal and unauthorized activities regarding the use of this website to internet providers (ISP, Google and social media providers, and other providers of electronic access) and authorities. At the same time, anyone who uses this website, makes up or enters into agreements or prints or sends any link, declares that they are not a minor. Minors may not disclose personal information on the website. Where parents provide learner information, the owner of the website will not disclose it to any party except for mental health and personal danger to yourself or other parties. Personal information will be protected according to the regulations of the HPCSA (Health Professionals Council of South Africa).

You provide all information at your own risk and voluntarily and reserve the right to restrict or withhold information. We have done everything in our power to protect you and your child's information. Although we have taken all possibleand reasonable measures, we cannot be held responsible for the activities of hackers and you release us from any damage you suffer as a result of hacking. Therefore you have to take all reasonable measures at your local network environment and digital equipment to protect your information in digital format

It remains your responsibility as a parent to oversee your child's online activities. EduPsych and partners / subsidiaries cannot accept any responsibility for it, or its misuse. And by using the website, you release us from any consequences that you or your child may suffer by abusing online activities and abusing the website and other websites we own.

Zoom, our medium of consultation, requires parental supervision over the use of the Zoom platform where minors are involved. You release EduPsych and affiliates from any damage or loss (of any kind) if you use or misuse this Website or Zoom. There is no connection between us and the Zoom platform, except that it is the platform of consultation.

By marking any block or clicking button on the website, the user of this website declares: (1) that the user has fully acquainted himself / herself with the costs and fee associated with it, (2) The user is fully authorised to make online transactions in accordance with the laws of South Africa and International laws where applicable (3) That the user is not a minor, and if so, the user's parents will be held responsible for any costs, (3) This is a legal digital agreement and digital signature made by the user, by marking / clicking / pressing any link or any other link, (4) That the user has thoroughly acquainted himself / herself with all the terms and conditions on the page and elsewhere on the website , that the user has read it and commits himself / herself to it by marking blocks and pressing the send buttons, (5) If EduPsych would incur any costs due to any online transaction/agreement when and if the user presses the send button on a forms, the user will be held responsible for such costs. If any appointment is cancelled, this must be done officially by email, otherwise the user / consumer remains responsible for costs.

These terms and privacy statement will be used in any dispute in conjunction with other terms and conditions on the website and the consumer legislation, and HPCSA regulations. Should there appear to be any discrepancies with information on any other web page, these terms of use and privacy statement will be used in any dispute and be referred to. If you do not accept this, you must immediately stop using the website and our other websites.


General Information