Counselling Online - ZOOM

Online Counselling can be arranged via supported platforms in both Afrikaans and English. Fast internet speed is required to enable online counselling. It is advisable that the prospective clients have appropriate internet speed connectivity.

To enable this form of counselling clients have to ensure that they have the required hardware and software as well as a fast internet connection/line (LTE//5G/FIBER). Low bandwidth and connection speed will interfere with the process. Clients have to ensure that they have the required data bundle to keep the connection for at least a hour. It is advisable that clients have an uncapped data bundle subscription. It is the sole responsibility of online client(s) to ensure that their equipment is enabled to handle online video connections. It is the responsibility of the client (user) to ensure that they have the necessary technical and computer skills to access this online service.

It is required that the client has a valid e-mail address. Web e-mails will not be accepted.

It is also the responsibility of the client to ensure their own online privacy and confidentiality. No audiences or other person(s) is allowed to sit in during online sessions. Connections via employers offices are strictly forbidden/prohibited and clients should be aware of penalties and sanction that can be initiated by employers. This applies to public internet places as well. Be aware that privacy and confidentiality can be seriously compromised in both cases.

The service provider for this online service will not be responsible for failure of equipment or the inability of hardware and software from the side of the client (user), or the lack of the necessary technical and/or computer skills.

It is required that an online appointment is pre-arranged and paid beforehand. Before the service is initiated it is advisable to test connection with the service provider (owner of this page).

Please take note that pending the distress of the client it might be required to make an appointment at the consulting rooms or the client might be referred to another service provider. In such cases where distance is a challenge clients will be requested to consult with a Psychologist in their area of residence.

By availing online counselling the service provider is under no obligation to provide online counselling to all prospective clients. Some forms of psychological distress (e.g. psychopathology and forms of psychosis ) cannot be treated online. In some cases a client might be requested to visit a Psychiatrist for medication.

At this stage the focus of this online service is trauma counselling. A maximum of three (6) online sessions will be allowed for a client - thereafter an appointment at the consulting rooms will be requested or further referral to a Psychologist or Psychiatrist in close proximity where the client resides will be made. Online counselling services requiring more than six one hour sessions implies that the psychological distress is complex and consulting room interventions are required.

The professional fees for this service is billed per hour or part of a hour - email me for tariffs. Each session is billed separately per hour. The first online session will always be an intake session to gain a background to the psychological distress and whether it is feasible to continue online. Mental disorders cannot be treated/counselled online (internet video conferencing) - when it is evident that a serious underlying mental disorder is present, clients will be referred and online counselling will be terminated.

The intension of this service is to provide counselling to clients during COVID-19 with minor psychological distress.

Please establish contact via a valid e-mail address by clicking on the link below. Forms to be completed and payment details will be sent to the prospective client for completion after initial contact from the client. Once the completed forms and evidence of an EFT payment is returned, the online appointment can be considered and arranged. After the receipt of the required forms and receipt of payment the client is registered for this service. Cognition should be taken of the possibility of power failures and technical problems in the world of technology.

The service provider for this online counselling has the right to verify the identity and payment details of the subscriber to this service before the onset of a session. A minimum of three days has to be allowed to verify the identity of the client before an appointment. Normal appointment rules apply - first come first served. Clients might be placed on a waiting list.

Facetime video conferencing can be considered where clients have Mac computers. .

General Information